Discover your past life
Dreams are a language your soul uses to communicate with you. Their meanings are often personal, yet a psychic can help you relate them to your waking life. Mia can help you to connect to your soul via your dreams.
As a rule of thumb, dreams show you your current energy or emotional state. In waking life, most of us are ruled by what is happening in our environments or our mind. Our environments throw constant stimuli at us. And indeed, you might feel heartbroken and let down but the danger of a car driving towards you quickly gets you into a response mode. You may want to deal with your heartbreak again, but the looming redundancy quickly makes you feel more worried than heartbroken.
Emotions are states of energy present around your physical body. When you suppress them, rather than validating them and gradually letting go, they stick around.
Once your mind is asleep, these energies can manifest in your dreams. In dreams, it is often more important how you feel than what you see. In a way, your soul tries to communicate to you something you brushed under the rug - either this week or a couple of decades ago.
You see, time only exists in the physical universe. In an energetic sense, emotions and feelings can linger forever until you resolve them, and dreams are a way for your soul to communicate this to you. Look for symbolism in dreams rather than going directly for the picture you see.
Of course, this was only one example of what your soul can tell you via your dreams.
Sometimes, it may motivate you to do something in your waking life. Other times, you may be able to transcend energy planes and find yourself in a parallel reality to meet yourself from other lives.
Dreams are the language of your soul and a trusted psychic can help you understand them better.