Moon as a guidance tool
The Moon is the only heavenly body revolving around Earth. It is our satellite and the closest cosmic Companion.
Recently Moon research started gaining more popularity in spiritual circles. Unfortunately, many of us have lost our connection with the Moon, even though our ancestors worshipped it since ancient times. Just like with many other things that Mother Nature has to offer.
I am writing this article to share my experiences to explain why the Moon can be so fascinating. There is a lot we can explore and study. I picked a few facts to emphasize the impact of our beautiful cosmic companion.
The moon has been in the human soul consciousness for centuries. Every night the Moon rises and every dawn the Moon sets. The moon brings light into the darkness and darkness unto the light. The moon is the fifth-largest natural satellite in the solar system, and the largest among
planetary satellites relative to the size of the plant that it orbits.
The moon makes Earth move and tides flow. The moon's gravitational pull generates something that is called the tidal force.
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It is debatable if the moon also controls the water movements in a human body. From my own experience and from observing other people, I can vouch for it. Especially during times of the full moon, I noticed enhanced water retention in my body.
At the early stages of my own healing process I had severe body pains and aches during the full moon phase. How do I know this? I started journaling over 2-3 years ago. I journaled about everything and observed myself and my environment. I had the urge to understand and explore how it all correlates with each other. Even the female cycle can be influenced by the forces of the moon.
Other phenomena are influences of mental and emotional wellbeing. I suggest observing yourself throughout the moon phases. Start journaling!
It will help you to get to know yourself better make changes you desire. Observe your feelings, emotions, your behavior and your physical body. Observe your environment.
Do people around you act differently when the moon changes its phases? Are their moods affected? How does it play out in your relationships?
Using the moon for spiritual guidance is only one of many tools that you can choose from to aid you on your soul journey.
Some of you may feel drawn to the moon, while others don’t.
Either way is the way for you.
Personally, it has helped me to keep myself accountable on a monthly basis. Overall the moon teaches us the cycles of life. We go through phases of letting go, shedding the old so we can make space for the new (surrendering). And we go through phases of growth, new beginnings (setting intentions).
Following the Lunation cycles gives you a sense of safety and clarity.
Whenever I lost track, I felt guided through the moon. Luna aids like a compass for me in all areas of life. Monthly lunation offers structure to follow so we can feel more resilient and stable. I am grateful for the moon and the eternal wisdom of life.