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Thursday, 21st January 2021


Hello beautiful souls,


Happy first quarter of the moon in Aries. This is the phase when the moon looks like half full. It is the midway between the recent new moon and the upcoming full moon. This phase is all about commitment, standing your ground and reflecting on your recent new moon goals. Sometimes we realise at this point that some of our goals are not as important. This is a great time to let go of those and focus our energy what truly matters. Our commitment, our believe and our courage to step out of the known will be tested. This is a time where just need to keep moving forward. 


Aries is a fired sign and the first sign in the zodiac. It represents the beginning of a new cycle. Symbolised by a ram it is adventurous, enthusiastic, impulsive, assertive and full of energy. All the these traits are very beneficial for us during this moon phase. 


Feel the excitement that comes with new challenges. Find outlets for your energy. This can be physically, emotionally or energetically. Most importantly, keep a balance for all the different energy channels. What does excite you? What makes you get up out of bed? Think of those things in your life and do them as often as you can. Even with “restrictions” in the physical world we always have access to the limitless abundant source energy. Come up with new ideas and think outside the box - literally! Find ways to stimulate your soul, your mind and your body. Most of all open your heart. Let your heart speak through you. Venture into new territory and be courageous, fearless and excited like a young ram that just started a new journey. 


Message form Luna: Move away from leading with your head and tune more into your heart. Ignite the fire within you. 





Thursday, 14th January 2021


Hello beautiful souls,
Happy first New Moon in 2021!
We kick start the first New moon of the year in the sign of Capricorn.
The earthy zodiac is ruling the 10th house which is about career, ambitions, goals and how do we want to leave our mark on this earth. Energetically speaking, this is a powerful opportunity to truly and deeply go within yourself and ask: Who am I? Who do I want to become? How do I serve? How does that manifest in my life?





Thursday, 7th January 2021


We are currently moving through the last quarter moon phase. This is where the sun and the moon are on a hard angle. The sun represents our ego and the moon our emotions. The sun is currently in Capricorn, symbolised by the persistent determined mountain goat that moves steady towards her goals. The moon is in libra, symbolised by the scale urging for balance, harmony and a state of inner peace. 
This combination is aligned to the themes of this phase which are about re-evaluating, balancing and keep on going. The Capricorn energy motivates us to keep moving forward no matter how hard things may seem - just keep on moving. On an emotional level the libra energy reminds us to find inner balance, inner stillness. No matter what happens in the outside world this should not affect our inner state. The more harmony we feel from within the more harmony will appear in our outside world. Again, this is a reminder that everything that is and will be starts from within us. 





Thursday, 31st December 2020


Hello to all you beautiful moon loving souls,

Here we are in the midst of the last full blooming moon of 2020. Powerfully charged by the moon loving zodiac cancer. The moon child is ruled by the moon and we could not ask for a better power combination to finish this year. As a water sign we can expect to bathe ourselves in the ocean of emotions. This does not mean to drown yourself in your own tears rather cherishing everything you feel - EVERYTHING! Our tears are our healing water and they can cleanse our energetic cosmic body. Let it flow let it go. 





Monday, 21st December 2020


Hello moon lovers,


Despite the winter/ summer solstice and the Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction I would like to focus on the current moon phase. I am sure there are heaps of information out there for the major shifts so I do not need to repeat that  


We are currently in the first quarter moon which is in the zodiac Aries. The first quarter moon phase. This is the time to commit. We might come across challenges and doubts regarding our dreams and goals. Do not lose confidence even through things might not go according to plan. GOOD! That’s great! Here is an opportunity to review your intentions that you made during the new moon. The greatest feedback will come from within yourself. Why do you doubt your own abilities? What is distracting you or holding you back from moving forward? 

Beautifully aligned with the Aries energy we receive an extra injection of willpower and enthusiasm. The ram is known for being very aggressive and headstrong. Not being afraid of butting heads. This energy comes in handy. It is not about being aggressive yet using the energy constructive to keep on going. Ruled by Mars, the planet of physical exertion and sexuality, the Aries energy seems to be boundless. Most of all Aries is the first zodiac in the astrological journey and represents the beginning of a new season, freshness and vitality. 

What can we ask for more during the last days of this year? Be courageous enough to not give up. Also have the courage to change direction before you hit a wall. 


Message from Luna: You were all born enough. You were born with vitally and limitless energy. You were born to be YOU.





Monday, 14th December 2020


To all you beautiful souls, 

The New Moon is all about setting intentions and manifesting your dreams. The Moon Energies will aid you to create the life you truly desire and deserve. 

We are heading into a astrological powerful week. There are three major changes coming up. The planet Saturn (planet of responsibilities, challenges and ambition) moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. The planet Jupiter (planet of abundance, good fortune and expansion) also moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn are known as the social planets. They represent how we relate to the world at large. The Grand Finale is The new moon eclipse in Sagittarius - expect powerful change.  Do not let this scare you. The universe perfectly orchestrated the flow of change - just let it happen. The energies will affect us all differently depending on where we are at in our soul path journey. The energy you radiate from the inside is the energy you will attract... 





Monday, 7th December 2020


Hello Moon lovers and all you beautiful souls out there,

We are currently in the last quarter of the moon in Virgo. This phase occurs 7-10.5 days after the full moon. It is a time to turn more inwards, keep processing and reflecting on our journey. What have you learned? What have you discovered? During this time half of the moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. This is not a time to stop or rest on some fruits we may have earned. It is an awkward time after the release of the illuminating full moon and heading into the unseen new moon - which holds all the potential possibilities of new beginnings. 


The Virgo is depicted as organised, logical, devoted, humble and detail oriented. Some may say she is a perfectionist...




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